One of my key questions has been whether current events could form the complete basis for the social studies curriculum.  To answer that, I have tried to take a few different current events and use them to meet the BC learning standards.  In short, I have determined that current events can be used as the basis for social studies curriculum.  Let’s take the Grade 10 Social Studies curriculum (1914-present). It has 7 curricular competencies and 8 content requirements.  Let’s say we want to look at these content areas and curricular competencies through the themes raised in this article:  The theme here being, i.e. Canada foreign policy.  Here is some summary ideas for how it would be possible:

Through the exploration of the content, build the curricular competencies:

  1. use inquiry: Let the students ask the questions
  2. assess significance: Ask why does this matter?
  3. assess evidence: Look at different sources to examine the different facts, opinions etc
  4. compare and contrast continuity and change: look at the issue now and how it has changed over time
  5. assess cause and consequences:  Look at what has happened now, and over time, and see what were the beginnings of this issue? what will be the consequences of it in the future?
  6. explain and infer perspectives: who are the actors? what are different ways of knowing?
  7. make reasoned ethical judgements and assess appropriate ways to remember and respond:  has Canadian foreign policy been successful over the last 100 years? where to from here?